Archive for June 2017


    Streamline Your Life with The Right Condo Management Software

    Let it never be said that condo management is an easy job. As a condo manager, you’re responsible for a piece of property that’s worth millions of dollars at the very least. In addition, you’re bound to follow a vast and ever-changing collection of regulations, lest the property owners -or you yourself- become liable under
    • Condo Management Software
    • Posted by Admin Asyst  Posted on 21 Jun  0 Comments
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      Top HOA Accounting Software Asyst Data Group Makes It Simple for Property Managers to Comply with New California Civil Code § 4041

      June 2017 – Irvine, CA – The laws surrounding management of condos and other rental/lease properties are constantly changing, which can make it a challenge for property managers to keep up. Such is the case with California civil code § 4041. However, the HOA accounting software package Asyst6 has been updated to simplify the process of Section
      • HOA accounting software
      • Posted by Admin Asyst  Posted on 16 Jun  0 Comments
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